Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Minor setbacks

It's only been two days into my full training schedule and it's already been majorly derailed due to sickness. I thought I just had a little cold, but yesterday it got worse - so I've been lying around on the couch for the past two days, coughing and sniffling into John's blankets and pillows and living off of homemade veggie soup, throat lozenges and Buckley's cold meds. On the bright side, I'm now caught up on my soaps [who knew it was so easy to become your own evil twin?] and after a 6 hour afternoon nap today, I'm feeling back to normal and OMG!! I FEEL SO AWAKE!!! I'M NEVER GOING TO SLEEP AGAIN!!!!!!! I'm also starving since I haven't eaten much for the past few days - tonight we shall dine on baked teriyaki chicken, garlicky brocolli and brown rice.

There will be no running for me tonight, I'll take it easy and watch trashy reality TV on MTV instead. I promise, tomorrow I'll be back on track with the training schedule.