Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ode to Kale!

O Kale, how I do love thee? Let me count the ways
I love thee to the depth due to your nutritional might
My eyes will search for thee, when you are hiding out of sight
Somewhere in the crisper drawer or maybe behind the soy.
I always search for thee, if I cannot find thee I will start to pester the boy

I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by smoothie or by chip
I love thee purely, when eating you I do not require dip;
I love thee freely, as does the boy he says

I love it when my blender is put to use
With kale and banana and yummy fruits about to be pulverized in a drink
Yet I also love thee dried in the oven with garlic powder and nutritional yeast I think
With all of your antioxidants and vitamin profile,
I do not mind the little green bits stuck in my beguiling smile
I shall but love thee better there is no denial

Yum, three cheers for kale! I've been on a big time kale kick lately.

There have been green smoothies:

This was a blueberry + banana + kale green smoothie: 1 glass of water, 1 banana, a generous handful of kale, splash of pineapple juice and a handful of blueberries. I left it on the counter while I was doing a few other things in the kitchen and it completely seperated! I probably didn't blend it for long enough. I stirred it up before drinking and it was yums. Kale is probably my favourite green for green smoothies. I just really like the flavour and texture it brings to the drink.

There have also been lots of kale chips. John and I ate an entire bunch of kale in less than 24 hours. Crappy picture of one of the batches, but it was major yummy time:

This was super easy to make. The only trick is to watch out for burning at the end, crispy kale is delicious, burned kale is not so much. To make yummy kale chips: I just ripped the kale leaves into pieces (no stems), washed + dried them. Put them onto a parchment covered baking sheet and tossed them with olive oil, lemon juice, salt + pepper, garlic powder, nutritional yeast and a bit of chili powder. Then baked them in the oven at 350F for 10 minutes, flipped them around and then continued baking for another 7-10 minutes. THEY WERE SO GOOD. I wish I was eating them right now!!!!

My running is slowly getting back on track. I've been doing more running just for the sake of running and it's been feeling pretty good. I'm starting to get the itch to go after another half-marathon. It might be kinda fun to travel somewhere and run half-marathon, as I've only ever run in local events. But we'll see...I am a creature of habit, so travelling somewhere and NOT being able to engage in my usual pre-race activities is a bit intimidating!