Tuesday, March 22, 2011

19.02 km

I've been off track with blogging but more or less on track with my running schedule for the week.

I was a little worried about my long distance run on the weekend, since I was out pretty late on Saturday night watching John's band be awesome at their show. I was trying to be good and avoiding the alcohol, but somehow ended up having 2 beers + 1 vodka/water - it doesn't seem like very much, but I pretty much have zero alcohol tolerance these days. I stopped drinking when I was training for my first half marathon around this time last year and since then I have not been really been able to have more than a drink or two. Anyway, back to the running...

By the time I pulled myself together on Sunday morning, I wasn't out the door for my run untill 10:30AM! 10:30 is SO late - I usually am almost finished my run by 10:30. I hate going out for later runs, because I really hate having to deal with the braindead general population. Dodging cars, bikes and people really throws me out of my running groove - its amazing how most people have little to no awareness of their surroundings. I just love having to jump out of the way of cars/bikes when *I* am the one on the sidewalk. I'm usually a good girl, I stay on the sidewalks, rarely jaywalk and always look both ways before crossing the street, yet pretty much everytime I'm out for a run I'm almost run over by some douchebag in a vehicle. Argh, and the pedestrians - they don't look where they are going, can't seem to walk in a straight line - drifting back and forth across the sidewalk. By the way, if you see somebody else coming towards you, turning your body slightly to the side to try to "share" the width of the sidewalk does not do anything. You are still taking up just as much space. I'm getting off track again...

Despite leaving a little later than usual and having a bit of a headache in the morning, I had an amazing run on Sunday morning. The weather was beautiful and it was the first time all year I've been able to run without a jacket on. My mind was clear and my body was just moving smoothly without feeling any exertion at all. I just had this really great groove going on and it reminded me why I enjoy running so much in the first place. The Clif shot bloks were so yummy. I ate half of the package around 0:45 and had the last half around 1:20. My stomach tolerated them well and I felt fairly energetic throughout the run. I ended up doing 19.02 km in about 2 hrs on Sunday, my legs were a little sore but I was feeling great at the end of the run. Yeay, I'm feeling like I'm back on track! All I have to do is squeeze in an extra 2 km into the same amount of time...

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