Saturday, March 26, 2011

Everything hurts

I forgot to post my training schedule for the week:

Monday: 5k steady run - Oops, my bad - I skipped this one. Life got in the way of my run on Monday

Tuesday: Cross-training (Reverse workout) - Completed! Sandra + I had a fabulous (painful) reverse workout on Tuesday night. The first half was weight training and the second half was a high-intensity bootcamp style workout. According to our instructor, the body burns through its glucose during the weight training component and then it switches over to burning through its glycogen during the last half, which is why the cardio portion feels so hard. That sounds feasible to me, although her insane weight training workout might be causing some muscle fatigue which could also contribute to the reason why the cardio portion = pain. I know its a hard class and I have been slacking off in strength training, so I dropped down my weights to 5lb dumbbells and 9lb bodybar.

Wednesday: 6 Hill repeats - Sort of completed. We were in the middle of a 10 cm snowfall and the roads and sidewalks were a mess. So I moved my workout inside - I did a 5km bike ride to warm up in the building's gym followed by 6 repeats of 5 flights of stairs. In total, I did 30 flights of stairs -- Hmmm, maybe I should keep it up and try to do the CN tower climb in April. Stair repeats are a good workout. But, they are shorter and steeper than hills - hopefully next week, I can do actual hills so I can get in some running on the longer distance/gradual gradient. At the end of Wednesday, my body was killing me. All of my muscles were sore and tight.

Thursday: Cross-training (Cardio/Weight intervals, Yoga) - On Thursday, I was in pain - my muscles were so fatigued and sore and everytime I moved it hurt. I was very tempted to skip my workout, however I had a really yummy pre-workout snack that I was looking forward to eating all day, so I just ate my snack and then hit the gym. Cardio/strength training - I stuck to mostly low impact cardio in the beginning since my muscles were burning in pain. After warming up, they felt a bit better but I still stuck to the lower intensity workout. Strength training was done with resistance tubing - I used the mid-resistance tube. Yoga was great. All of my sore muscles got a good stretching. I'm definitely going to have to keep it up, as I felt fabulous afterwards. And I have my own yoga mat now! It's pink and pretty :)

Friday: Rest - I thought I'd still be really sore, but I was feeling back to normal. I still gave myself the day off though.

Saturday/Sunday: 19-20k slow and easy run. It'll probably be on Sunday, since John and I are heading out in a half hour. My pace has improved a bit, but not by that much.

Note: I think all of the muscle soreness is due to the fact that I haven't been doing any strength training since December. I'm going to keep up the schedule for the next few weeks, but if I'm feeling like I'm on the verge of over-training, I'm going to scale back on the workouts.


  1. Holy moly, you are intense! THAT IS A LOT of working out! also where is the pic of the new yoga mat? : )

  2. LOL - I am no longer human, I have become a machine!! :)
