Friday, April 1, 2011

7 weeks left to go!

There are 7 weeks left before my next half-marathon! .... Umm, should I be worried that "slacking off" is my blog tag with the most entries?

This week, I've somewhat stayed on schedule:

Tuesday - Cross-training (reverse workout): completed! I kept my hand weights at 5 lbs each and resistance tube at medium and increased my body bar weight to 12lbs. I only felt a little bit like puking + passing out this time around.

Wednesday - 2.5km light run to warm-up + 7 hill repeats: completed! I always feel like I'm not going to make it when I approach the top 1/3 of the hill, but by the time I make it to the top and then head back down for my next repeat, I am fine again. My arms and shoulders are usually sore after doing hills, when the lower body starts to get fatigued, my upper body tends to pick up the slack. Ahhh, teamwork at its finest.

I spotted my dear friend Robin(s) on my Wednesday run. Yes, those little tiny blobs are robins. :) Yeay, spring is finally here!

Thursday - Cross-training: ... Skipped my work-outs and my eating plan was derailed, due to baby celebrations. I ended up having spicy salmon rolls + salmon pizza for lunch, a huge piece of delicious tuxedo cake (marble cake with chocolate/vanilla mousse and cream cheese frosting covered with tiny delicious dark/milk/white chocolate curls...omg, just thinking about it is activating my salivary glands) and then out for lovely dinner with the girls. I was feeling a bit guilty about not eating any fruits/veggies all day, so I had a greek salad + garlic bread. Hey! Life is all about balance - a girl can't just workout all of the time.

Friday - Rest + more sushi tonight :)

Notes: I wasn't feeling as sore on Wednesday as I did last week. I think my body is starting to adapt to weight training again. Unlike last weekend, where I was just not in the mood to run, this weekend I'm actually looking forward to my 2ok. I have 1 tiny pack of chews and 1 random gel kicking around, so I'll be seeing how the gel/chew combo works for me.

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