Sunday, April 17, 2011

Warming up for 2012

It appears that Mother Nature is also training, she seems to have amped up the insane weather patterns, in preparation for the end of 2012 when she will kill us all. Today there were 80 km/h winds along with rain, snow, hail and flash white-outs. Ever the cautious runner, I decided to take my workout indoors today and use the dreaded treadmill for a two hour workout which tested my sanity to the limit. Since I despise the treadmill, I decided to do intervals - 30 mins on the treadmill, 30 mins on the seated bike, 30 mins on the treadmill and then 30 mins on the spinning bike. Mother Nature is both a cruel and spiteful mistress, as the weather cleared up when I was an hour into my workout. The beautiful sunshine was taunting me, while I tried to complete the workout that just would not end.

Thoughts from poor me stuck running/biking without actually getting anywhere for 2 hours:
- I hate the way the treadmill at the gym ends fairly abruptly at the end of the workout. Would it not make sense to have a taper period at the end, so the person doesn't go from running full speed to a dead stop within 10 seconds? For me, I get a little dizzy after running on the treadmill, so I like to spend a minute walking before hopping off
- I get motion sickness from reading too much closed-captioning on the TVs when running on the treadmill. No TV makes the mind-numbing boredom even worse.
- That being said, I was so happy for NHL playoffs! I ended up watching 2 periods of the Caps/Rangers game. I could ignore the CC and just watch the boys playing hockey.
- I didn't realize how young Ovechkin is.
- I don't like the Rangers but I just can't help cheering against the Capitals
- There was a guy wearing cargo shorts and a Hilfiger skull cap on an elliptical. He was really cut, so I guess he knew what he was doing, but I couldn't help but judge him anyway.
- Why the hell is Donald Trump thinking about running for president?
- I feel bad for the poor little rodents stuck with nothing to do except running in those wheels stuck to the side of their cage.
- Having mutiple slices of pepperoni pizza and gulps of delicious coke a half hour before a workout is a bad idea. Felt so sick for the first hour of the workout.

The green smoothie challenge is still going on. We've had our first disaster - celery, parsley, lemon, tomato and onion. YUCK! I think I'm happy with sticking to the fruity green smoothies for now...

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