Thursday, April 28, 2011

21.06 km + not much else is going on

Wow, it's been almost two weeks since my last post. Its sad to say, but there's really nothing very exciting to report, as I've slipped into a routine with all of my training activities - and they are all just kind of ongoing. Not to worry my faithful readers, that will not stop me from rambling on in detail :)

The green smoothie challenge is still going. We've started making double batches at night and saving the extra batch for breakfast in the morning. Combinations that we've enjoyed for the past week have included: baby spinach or red leaf lettuce plus an assortment of bananas, ananas (pineapple), kiwis, apples and/or pears. I've also been adding some fresh ginger into the smoothies lately and I've been finding it tres delicieux. I tried making a smoothie with grapes, but sadly my little 700W blender had a hard time with the grape skins, thus the texture of the smoothie was very fibrous. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you're supposed to be able to chew your smoothies?

I ran out of chews for my runs, so I picked up a couple of packs of GU Chomps and Clif Shot Bloks from the Running Room. Since I had a gift certificate and a store discount, I also picked up a cute little pair of black capri tights and a black racerback tank top with fluorescent pink trim. I loooove the capris, but I'm not sure if I can wear them on long runs, the spandex might not be powerful enough to rein in all of the jiggle :(

My training is chugging along - I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping up with all of the different cross-training activities (i.e., weights, biking, step + yoga classes) and also going out and doing different types of runs (i.e., hill +/or speed intervals, steady +/or slow runs). I had rolled my ankle back in February just before the Chilly half and thought that I might have re-injured it during my long run this past weekend, since it was throbbing in PAIN on Sunday and Monday. But I've been taking it easy for the past 3-4 days and it's feeling a lot better. Possible injury aside, my long runs have also become rather uneventful, my mind has been a lot quieter on these runs and I've just been enjoying the nice weather/scenery and the way I've been feeling.

Random thoughts from my 21.06 km:
- Hot and sour soup, coffee and chocolate Easter eggs (that's right I said EASTER EGGS, not spring spheres) are bad pre-run foods. I was feeling dehydrated for most of the run
- Donald Trump should shut up and go away. He's such an idiot.
- Why do politicians think we want to see their pictures on their campaign signs? It's not like we're going to suddenly be like: "Wow, you look like an upstanding citizen, I think I will vote for you after all". The same goes for real estate agents. I'm bringing a sharpie marker on my next long run and drawing mustachios on everybody!! (LOL, OK probably not...I know I'll be too lazy to hold a pen on my run and it'll totally mess up my time.)

I'll be winding down the workouts soon, since my half-marathon is about two weeks away! So I'll probably stop blogging about training and start blogging about fascinating topics such as: "What to wear" and/or "Music for my ipod" :)

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